Statement on Accreditation & Academic Integrity
Since it is not part of the program goals for NSTM to grant any recognized degrees by the New York State Department of Education (Associate, Bachelors, Masters degrees), we do not plan to pursue any type of accreditation with any recognized regional or professional accrediting agencies. For the type of program that NSTM offers, accreditation is not needed; additionally, any relationship with accrediting agencies brings with it undesired regulations and requirements. Since the school does not grant degrees, it will not seek any federal or state student financial aid or scholarship programs; it does not have any residential campus with food service and residence halls; it does not have athletic programs or other extra-curricular programs. All of these types of services normally associated with 2-4 year colleges and graduate programs / seminaries that grant degrees usually require accreditation, however, NSTM does not have any of those services. We are aware of the trends in higher education that involve very real and advancing agendas in politics and government entities that form the standards of regional accreditation agencies for Christian colleges & seminaries; we perceive that they are moving further away from NSTM’s Biblical convictions on marriage, morality, and gender definition.
Although we are not pursuing accreditation, the lack of accreditation should not be misconstrued as a lack of commitment to academic quality and integrity, nor should it be deemed as an excuse for rejecting academic accountability which would result in an inferior educational program. A number of independent schools have not pursued any form of accreditation, yet they maintain a high reputation for quality academic programs and training. One of our core guiding values is CREDIBILITY; as such, all of our faculty will be seasoned, experienced pastors that have a passion and skill set for identifying, mentoring, and teaching next generation pastors. In addition, all faculty have achieved high academic credentials, equivalent to the requirements for teaching at a Bible college or seminary, with Masters or Doctoral degrees in ministry/theology, teaching in their qualified subject areas of their expertise.
We also plan to investigate the possibility of forming reciprocation agreements with regional community colleges or other Christian colleges. These types of reciprocation agreements are normal among schools, and may afford an opportunity for NSTM students to have other schools accept their NSTM credits in transfer, allowing students to combine the credits they earn at NSTM toward an associate or bachelors degree of their choice.